Monday, July 1, 2013

VBS directors are a special breed!

   I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted, but I promise it's not because I haven't wanted to. So, what's been going on? Vacation Bible School, baby!! What a week. My last addition to this blog was about how I thought there will be a special place in Heaven for church camp directors. Well this is true, but I have now added "VBS directors" to that list. VBS directors are underestimated. A common misconception is that their responsibilities stop with preparing a snack and providing a craft. This may be the case with a make-shift, half-hearted attempt at VBS, but this should not be the case if children's ministry is a priority at your church.

     Our VBS crew started preparing for the big week months ahead of time. The theme for VBS this year was "Kingdom Rock." It was a mid-evil, knights and castles type theme. Our crew built a castle on stage, fashioned rock walls throughout the entire building, created knights in shining armor to adorn the halls, and then focused heavily on the curriculum. This was a major event. It is true, the director has to make sure that there are people in charge of snacks and crafts, but they also have to make sure every child is registered, that there is a crew-leader for every age group, and that there is ample time, ability, and resources for the entire event.
When all that is done, they have to fend off the nay-sayers (generally an older-minded, negative, self-centered congregant) that speak their negations on why we should never decorate the church or act in such a way. If they had it their way, you could only come to church if you were over 50, wearing a tie or dress, knew exactly where to sit, and were cleared and approved only and directly by them. This is the kind of thing that a VBS director has to put up with. It sounds familiar, as I myself deal with some of the same things as a youth pastor. This may be why I have a special place in my heart for someone who is willing to battle Satan and his attacks to minister to children. Following God's call is never easy, but it is the right thing to do.

My hat is off to you VBS directors of the world. May God richly bless!!

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