What does Independence Day mean to you? That's a question that deserves an answer. In all fairness, I'll go first. What does Independence Day mean to me?? Well, I suppose I am a little more patriotic than some. It seems that my generation and those that are following don't seem to have a lot of respect for the holiday. I believe they appreciate the United States of America, but I feel as though the love and adoration is not there. Maybe this is an epidemic that spans a majority of generations; maybe even those before me.... Anywho, back to the question. What does Independence Day mean to me.....
-- It is the day that represents the absolute best nation in the world. She may not be exactly what I think she should be, but the United States of America is still the best nation in the world.
-- It represents the pride that I have for the three young men from my youth group that have joined the armed services. May God bless them and protect them for their willingness to serve.
-- It is a day that represents my grandfather, Brent, who served in the air force and worked hard the rest of his life so that I could benefit today from his labor. He died too young, but his legacy lives on. This is the American way that I am fond of.
-- It is a day that represents my grandfather, Harry, who was crippled with Arthritis but still worked hard to provide for a large family. This too is the American way that I am fond of. It is this dedication that is lacking in today's society!
-- It is a day that represents everyone else's grandfathers that served and came home with scars that most of us couldn't see.
-- It represents American classic cars, Route 66, drive-in movies, and malted milk shakes.
--It is a day that represents all of the sacrifices made by people that I'll mostly never know who died for millions of people who they would never know.
-- It represents a vast multitude of public servants who are not military, but who are fire fighters, police, emergency personnel, etc. (many who volunteer their time) and who also dedicate their lives to the bettering of their communities. In turn, this makes our Nation stronger and better. They represent an attitude that should be, but is rarely prevelant. That attituted is one of service.
-- It represents September 11, 2001
-- It is a day that represents, fields full of cows, corn fields, steel mills, coal mines, semi-trucks, and every other imaginable means of hard work.
-- It is the day that represents the cousin I never knew because of shrapnel from the viet cong.
-- It is a day that represents a group of then tyrants, now founding patriots who formed a set of standards in the late 1700's that I believe were God-inspired and are now being negatively and selfishly manipulated.
-- It is a day that represents time with family, cook-outs, fireworks, and fellowship.
-- It is a day that will from now on be bittersweet for some relatives who are planning on laying their loved one to rest on July 4, 2013. May God comfort the family and lengthen the legacy of Wayne Woolsey.
-- It is a day that reminds me of how much I love these United States. I'd fight for them today, if called to do so.
-- It is a day that represents, LZ-Xray and other heroic efforts throughout our Nation's history.
-- It is a day that represents good music -- everything from banjos to steel guitars to slap bass to cellos to sythesized guitars.
-- It is a day that I desire to be respected and cherished by the coming generations. Here is my plea: Be proud!! Fly the Flag. Wear the red, white, & blue! Play the patriotic music. Stand tall and respectful when the Star Spangled Banner is played. Thank a veteran often. Boycott those who stomp on the flag. Vote for the principles that this country did, does, and should forever stand for. Know that you are directly responsible for the direction of the United States of America. Become active in government, no matter what your age. Most importantly, make sure that God is first in your life. God cannot be taken out of America if He remains within her patriots and government officials. Go to the top, friends, and take God with you!
-- It is the day that represents the absolute best nation in the world. She may not be exactly what I think she should be, but the United States of America is still the best nation in the world.
What does it mean to you?
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