Monday, September 30, 2013

"The Call" -- October 2013 Cedar Creek Church of God Newsletter


          Do you smell that? That, my friends, is the smell of fall. Autumn is my most favorite time of the year. Some people do not like the gloom of the turning of the leaves, and that is understandable, but this season is the harvest season. The idea of “harvest” represents a special place in my heart. Being a farm boy, harvest is a time that we reap the rewards and benefits of our year-long labors. Being a pastor, harvest is a time reminding me that “the fields are ripe and ready for harvest”. It is a beautiful reminder that our work as a Christian is never finished.

            How are we doing in the harvest? It seems as though times are getting tougher for soul-winning efforts. Sin is at the fingertips of the populace. Never underestimate the power of God, however. This past Wednesday night was one of the best services that I have been a part of at Cedar Creek. Hearts were tender after the scary event that happened at South Greene. One young lady made a first time commitment to Christ and salvation. Several other students decided that they were not where they needed to be in their relationship with Christ and prayed for a renewing of their minds in Christ. It was a two hour service filled with the Holy Spirit, and for that I am grateful. I can think of no better way to spend time, and I am very thankful to be a small part of those life-altering decisions.

            As we roll into the last quarter of 2013, we are staying busy in the youth department at Cedar Creek. As most of you know, we have just returned from fall retreat in Crossville. This was a good time of renewal and fellowship. We see friends at events such as this that we rarely get to see. Thank you for your support and prayer for this event. Also lately, this past Friday we sponsored a meal here at Cedar Creek for the South Greene Rebels football team. They were a thankful bunch and I was glad that we could extend a little love and ministry to that local group of young men. I very much appreciate all of the help that the people of the church offered. I could not have done it without you, as this turned out to be a pretty big undertaking.

            Upcoming, we have several things on the horizon. It is already time to start preparing for next year’s big events. Next year is an International Youth Convention year, and it will be held in Nashville, July 5-8. As always, this is a great experience for our youngsters as well as us older ones. This is an expensive journey and we will have to begin preparing for such an event soon. Since our potato crop (which was a rotten, but well-meant flop) is finished, we can now move on to other options. We will begin finishing the T-bird project soon. Also, we are again planning a Christmas banquet on the first Saturday night in December. Go ahead and mark your calendars! We have a couple events coming soon as well. Two of our annual events are creeping up on us fast. In this month of October, we will take our annual corn maze trip. Then, before you know it, winter retreat will be here. The date for these two events are to yet to be determined, so keep your eyes and ears turned toward the bulletin and weekly announcements.

            As we go into this harvest season, please be in prayer for the youth group. I cannot get John 4:35 out of my head. The fields are ripe and ready for harvest and it is our responsibility to be diligent harvesters. Pray that the Holy Spirit go before us and prepare the way so that lives can be changed for the better and forever.

Blessings & love to you in this wonderful time of year! Enjoy those leaf piles, pumpkin pies, and bon fires!


Pastor E.J.

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